All Digressions Aside (ADA) is a project by Apichaya Wanthiang that aims to share stories, time and landscapes between Kirkenes and Nikel. Wanthiang attempts to build a contemplative relationship between the two towns and the project is based on the idea that temporary shared experiences generate a closeness between communities.
While conceptualizing the project, Wanthiang collected stories from both towns, her research built a knowledge and intimacy of the area that she will be sharing during her exhibition.
«With a lady in Russia it was hanging out in her kitchen doing whatever she wants to do, often she cooks and then we eat together for many many hours. Last time when I was there we pickled some cucumbers because that is something she does every year and she has her own recipe – or sometimes we dance in her living room in front of her television. It gives me a lot of information without feeling like I am intruding into their private lives, they get to share with me what they are comfortable with and what is really them, they are not picking their words or trying to present the best picture of themselves, we are just trying to be ourselves together.»
The stories, that will be shown along with webcam pictures from the neighbouring city, will be transmitted across the border into structures that invite each community to interact with the exhibition. The structures on each side of the border are designed and built by Wanthiangs project partner, Bergen based architect Cristian Stefanescu. The spaces are contemporary meeting places that are inspired by traditional northern structures such as a yurt, lavvo or gapahuk.