Igor Diakonoff, an outstanding Orientalist, historian and linguist, spent some of his childhood in Norway. When the Red Army liberated Northern Norway in 1944, he was sent by the Soviet command to Kirkenes and became a key actor in the relations between the local population and the Soviet armed forces. As many of his compatriots, by this time he had already witnessed many disasters: the disappearance of the near ones into the Gulag, a terrible war, the siege of Leningrad. A promising scholar, finding himself among the ruins in a country of his childhood, he became determined to formulate general ethical principles which would be fit for any social system, religion or race. He finished this work, which resulted in a short treatise named “The Kirkenes Ethics” , only by the end of his life, and his war-time experience in Kirkenes remained a major theme for him until his last days.
A documentary film by his son, historian and filmmaker Alexei Jankowski, attempts to transmit the meaning of this “Kirkenes Ethics” through examples from Diakonoff’s life. It will be preceded by a lecture by the film director, who will speak, among other things, of Diakonoff’s connections to Norway before and after the war, and of his original theory of the universal history, which can help us better understand the ways of the modern world.
A graduate of Femis, a French cinema school, for many years Alexei Jankowski was responsible for maintaining the French professional connections of the creative team of an outstanding Russian filmmaker Alexander Sokurov. He was a documentary researcher, film editor and first director assistant on “Francophonia”, the recent film by Sokurov about the Louvre during the Nazi occupation. Jankowski has also made a number of his own documentaries, including “We Need Happiness”, filmed in Kurdistan-Iraq and co-written with Sokurov. Since 2012, Jankowski has been involved in the efforts to protect the Middle Eastern cultural heritage, starting with the exhibition “The Braves” in Brussels, studying and promoting measures to limit the impact of armed conflicts on the historical heritage of Iraq and Syria.
“The Kirkenes Ethics” (Bereg Studios, 1998, 52 mins) is shown as part of the NNKM exhibition Den Røde Armés Tilbaketrekning / The Withdrawal of the Red Army.